Present/Futures at CCA, Glasgow on 24 June

Adham Faramawy will screen 'Skin Flicks' and take part in 'Pleasure Ecologies' - a panel discussion

Present Futures screening programme presents artists moving image works spanning film, visual arts and performance.


In Matter and Desire, biologist and philosopher Andreas Weber situates ecology as a practice of building relationships, longing for connections, and expressing these desires through our bodies. How do ideas of pleasure, love, care, the erotic, and sensuality intersect with ecological thinking and art-making? How are artists exploring these ideas through their practices? Connecting with ideas of pleasure activism, pleasurable ecologies and queer and feminist perspectives: Ama Josephine Budge, Rosana Cade, Adham Faramawy and Leonie Gasson will reflect on their work.

The panel will be a hybrid format of live and online presentations chaired by Dr Laura Bissell (Royal Conservatoire of Scotland).

June 16, 2023